Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Remember Your Family - Ellie Alsman - Give Us Hope

This beautiful little girl is my niece Ellie, she is an amazing young lady that will not give up.  She has C.F.  Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complicated genetic disease that causes your body to produce extra-thick, sticky mucus. If you or your loved one is fighting this disease, they may require medicines as part of their treatment routine. Because not all medicines work the same or address the same symptoms, a combination of medications may be needed.
While there is no cure for CF, you have treatment options that may help. Your doctor likely will also prescribe additional medicines to Pulmozyme to address other symptoms of cystic fibrosis. These can help to increase moisture in the mucus, prevent and treat infections, and open airways.
Normally, mucus in the lungs traps germs, which are then cleared out of the lungs. But in CF, the thick, sticky mucus and the germs it has trapped remain in the lungs, which become infected.
In the pancreas, thick mucus blocks the channels that would normally carry important enzymes to the intestines to digest foods. When this happens, the body can't process or absorb nutrients properly, especially fats. Kids with CF have problems gaining weight, even with a normal diet and a good appetite.

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